Sunday, June 19, 2011

Attitude of GRATITUDE!!!!

This is it! Time to celebrate! I reached my fundraising commitment on June 16th. I raised over $5600, I know I didn’t reach my personal goal of $7500, but when I started this I had no idea what I was getting myself into! This has been the most amazing journey. It has completely changed my life.

The race is scheduled to start 6:00am a week from today, Hawaiian time. My teammates and I will have to be ready to go by 4:40am to catch the shuttle to the race start. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. I’m excited to finally meet my teammates that I’ve been emailing and visiting with via conference call over the past 16 weeks. I can’t wait to share all of the details from this weekend with all of you.
But today I need to take care of something, giving thanks. I always tell my daughters that the most important trait they can possess is an attitude of gratitude.  As you all know I am the real estate account executive at the Midland Reporter-Telegram and I have the most amazing clients any one could ask for. Thanks goes out to Sandy Scott, Holly Cohen and Jon Short of Real Estate One; Pat Chancellor, Alvin Collins, Teri Vestal, DeLaura Gammage, Amanda Siruta, Gina Lann, Romona Lopez, Thanda White and Jane Wolf of Legacy Real Estate; Lance Brock of Lance Brock Realty; Lisa Kelly of Kelly Real Estate; Patti Woolard of Keller-Williams; DeeDee Brown of Re/MAX 1st Choice; Steg Stegall of Ajani Hair Salon; and Astrid Farley of The Ivy Cottage. You honor me with your support and I enjoy working with all of you.
I’d like send a very special thank you to Fran Billingsly. Fran you are my Fairy Godmother. Because of your assistance and guidance I was able to add so much more to my weekly column. I took all of your advice to heart and it helped immensely. The fact that you made a donation didn’t hurt either! You reached out to your friends on my behalf; there are no words to adequately express my gratitude.
A huge thank you goes out to you the readers, my family and my friends. I received emails and phone calls. You told me your stories and shared your pain with me. Some of you even felt so strongly that you made donations. If not for your support and encouragement I would not have reached my goal in time.
Finally, I have to thank my amazing co-workers at the MRT. Megan, thank you for turning my request for one article into a weekly column, I didn’t think I could do it, I am grateful for support and encouragement. Shalayna, my fundraising guru, thank you for all of your guidance and suggestions, the dance party was a success because of you.  Everyone here at the newspaper is more than a co-worker, you are all my family. You bought candy bars EVERYDAY, you bought tickets to the “determined to Dance” party even though you knew you probably wouldn’t attend. You asked me how training was going. You posted my fundraising link on your facebook pages and asked your friends to support my cause. To top it off, when you found out I only had $50 left to go, you got together and handed me $105 in cash to beat my goal! I don’t even know how to begin to thank all of you. Your support and generosity is overwhelming. I am honored to work with all of you. THANK YOU.
Check back next Sunday for all the details from race weekend! I promise not to leave anything out.

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