Saturday, May 21, 2011

Garage Sale Day!!!

Today turned out to be a great day! I've been collecting donations from friends and co-workers all week to sell at my garage sale to raise money for the CCFA. Even though the day was gorgeous, the sale got off to a slow start. "Y" a representative from Thirty one gifts set up a table in my drive-way too. So at least I had someone to talk to. But I ended up with a few hundred dollars to send in this week.

The highlight of my day was a couple that came because they saw my flyer and their niece has Crohn's. They said they would make a donation even if they didn't find anything to buy! I also met a young girl that has UC (like me). She came just to find out more about the foundation and to talk to someone that has been through what she is going through now. I gave them both my card, I hope they keep in touch.

If I had not sold one thing today but those three people still stopped by, it would have been worth all of the effort and time. Just being able to share experiences and give a little hope.

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