It's 9:30 pm and I just got home from work. On my drive home tonight, the entire hour, I was wondering how am I going to fit it all in?!? Yesterday, I woke up, did Ab Ripper X and some Yoga. Awesome, right? Yes, except I went to a work related function last night and didn't get home until after 11pm. So I guess that means Wednesday (TODAY) is my day off this week. Thursday is a 4 mile run, work, then a board meeting. Aaahhhhh!
Then I remember my first Team Challenge conference call. It was bassically about how to fit in all of this extra training. This is important to me, so important that I want to wake up even earlier or go to sleep later to fit everything in. I'm supposed to run a 5K on Saturday. I might end up run/walking it. But, I will be there, I will compete, I will train!
and I will be there to cheer you on & photo document your success!