Saturday, September 17, 2011

We can't give you cash, but we'll give you water...

In tomorrow's Midland Reporter-Telegram I issue a challenge to all college football fans. I'm challenging everyone to make a donation to CCFA in honor of your favorite team. You have to include gratuitous smack talk in the comments section if you make a donation online, so I'll know which team gets the credit for the donation. I'll also be making a donation myself for the LSU Tigers and adding my own smack talk, just to get everything started off on the right foot! Geaux Tigers! If you would like to read Sunday's column or any of the columns I've submitted you can find them here. The football column will not be available until tomorrow (9/18/2011).

On to fundraising. I received my first no yesterday. Not an all out no, more like a "we can't give you cash, but we will donate bottled water" kind of no. Which is helpful, I am going to have a booth at the Midland Memorial Hospital Healthy U Fair on October 22nd so I can definitely use the bottled water, but I was really hoping for the cash. So if anyone is actually reading this and you want to make a donation, please click on the Team Challenge logo and it will take you to my fundraising page. I'll also say thank you for the bottled water donation, I'm sure everyone at the fair will love it! People do get thirsty!


Friday, September 9, 2011

You're going to the gym? Now?

This morning I woke up early. I say early because I actually got up about 2 minutes before the alarm, got out of bed and didn't hit the snooze button 100 times or tell Matt, "Wake me up when you leave." I woke up, put on my gym clothes and headed for the door. I hear Matt in a sleep muffled voice, "You're going to the gym?"
"ok, I love you"
"Love you too"

He sounds surprised. Well he should be! But after skipping my morning run on Wednesday (thinking I would get it after work, what a joke!), I have decided to get my butt out of bed and as the Nike commercial says, JUST DO IT!

It doesn't hurt that some co-workers and I are starting a biggest loser contest today and there is money on the line. Plus the fact that I am in training for another half marathon in just 3 short months. Now I've just got to get up before the alarm (aka 5 am or as I like to call it ~ the butt crack of dawn) every day until the race. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Girls LOVE shoes...

Since August, 29th (the first official day of training) there have been several conference calls with our virtual trainers, Melissa Spooner and Dave McGovern. We’ve discussed how to fit regular training into an already hectic schedule and the importance of shoes and apparel. SHOES? Now we're talking!

I started out in March of this year (training for Kona) with my regular old shoes. I soon found that the coaches were right when they explained how important the right shoe is. I headed to a local running store (the only running store), Run This Way, to get fitted by an expert and get the right shoe for me. Austin was great! He had me walk and asked questions about the type of training I was doing and determined, well I’m not quite sure what he determined, but he explained it to all me and then brought out several shoes for me to try. I made my choice and loved the shoes immediately. I could tell a difference on my first run. My shoes are so great I just went back to get another pair. Austin helped me again, but no foot analysis was necessary this time. I stuck with the same shoe, different fabulous color of course. The Team Challenge walk coach, Dave, suggested alternating the old shoe with the new shoe to help build foot strength and increase the life span of my new shoe.
Funny thing about me and shoes, I love them. At the race in Kona I saw so many bright colors and fun styles of running shoes. I especially wanted a pair of neon orange and blue shoes (the Team Challenge colors). According to both Mel and Dave, I'm not supposed to buy my shoes based on color. DANG! Some people love gagdets, some people love purses, I love shoes.

I love my Mizunos, so I'll just stick with them ~ for now...