Sunday, April 10, 2011

Houston, we have a problem...

Ok, so I'd like to share something BIG I've discovered over the course of this adventure. If you don't ask people to donate money, then they don't donate money! CRAZY, right?

Today is the end of week five and I have only raised a couple hundred dollars. That is not going to get me anywhere. I'm not raising money to pay my way to Hawaii, I'm raising money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.The races are in different locations every year. Team Challenge has raced in Boston, Las Vegas and Napa. This year there is also a race in Virginia and Napa. I had a friend jokingly say, "will you make a donation so my friend can go to Hawaii?" WOW! That's not what this is about. Not even a little!

I've got to get my fundraising ACT together or I will have to stop before I've even really gotten started. The deal is if I don't raise enough money, no matter how much I train, there is a chance that I won't be able to complete the event with the team. I'm trying very hard not to get disappointed, but I want to be a part of this. 

How do I do it? How can I raise the funds? I couldn't sleep last night, thoughts of not being able to finish started running through my brain. I don't accept failure well at all. I was even tering up as I finally did fall asleep. 

So, here it is, the first step...

Please make a donation. If you are reading this blog, please click on the Team Challenge logo and make a donation today.

It is greatly appreciated!

~ Robin

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