Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's official, I'm back on the wagon!

3 days! I've made it to the gym 3 straight days! I definitely back on the wagon. It's almost like starting over though. Miss 6 days and starting again is, well I didn't really want to get out of bed.

In other news...

A very generous Midland Reporter-Telegram reader has been following my progress through my weekly articles. She is donating a raffle item for the Determined to dance event and is also donating 20% of all May sales. WOW! Thank you so much Vanessa! I'll give everyone the details on ordering on May 1st!

Monday, April 25, 2011

I've fallen and I can't get up!

At least that's what I thought last week. The week of one work-out!

I'm thrilled to report that I woke up this morning and headed to the gym! Now let's see if I can do it again tomorrow morning...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gimme a D, Gimme an I, Gimme a S, FORGET it I need some discilpine

Discipline is the word of the hour! The word of the day, week, month, my life!!!!! I have run one day this week ~ ONE DAY!

So that means I need to re-group! Tomorrow is the day I submit my paperwork for recommitment to TEAM CHALLENGE. That means I'm in. I'm raising money, I'm training, I'm going all out.

Last week was more like I'm sleeping in, I'm spending money, I'm not training, well... you get the idea.

I need that little blue fish from FINDING NEMO - Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, running, running. Where is she when I need her? Maybe Ellen will do a voice over for me and I can download it...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's all about the benjamins...

Monday April 25th is the start of week eight, the half way point. That means I’ve been through seven weeks of training, conference calls, raising awareness and fundraising. Remember, I started a week late. I’ve completed two 5ks and I am working towards a 10k with the ultimate goal being the half marathon in June.

I’ve only raised about $1000 so far. Is that good? Should I be half way to my goal by now? Should I have reached my goal by now? I don’t know. Seriously, I need help; I’m losing sleep at night. I am not a fundraiser. I didn’t like it in elementary school (when we had to do it) nor do I like it as an adult. I would send in donations to my children’s school in order to avoid the dreaded fundraiser. So I capitalized on a lesson that life has taught me, when you aren’t exceptional at something find someone that is and learn from that person. Enter my supervisor and fundraising guru, Shalayna. She has given me great ideas and she has decided that we are throwing a dance party to raise funds! I’m very excited about the party, I know we will raise money and have a good time while we are at it. We’ve found a DJ, Ruben Olivas, there will be a raffle and door prizes. It is shaping up to be a great night. The event is called Determined to Dance! The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation has launched a new website,, to help patients better manage their disease. It is this new website that was the inspiration for the name of the event.

I know the event will be successful, but what’s next? What else should I do to reach my fundraising goal? Do I send an email blast? Start a snail mail campaign? What would you do? I’m asking for suggestions, ideas, any thoughts or successes that any of you have had while fundraising. Have any of you actually made a donation when you’ve received a request in an email? Think about it. Even if you only donate $5, you are making a big difference in that person’s efforts. I am so grateful when I receive that email notification that a donation has been made. I’ve been sending out personal thank you notes to everyone who has made a donation online.

When I started this adventure, I thought if 750 people would donate $10, I’ll have reached my goal. If 75 people donate $100, I’ll have reached my goal. Now I’m thinking, what can I do to reach my goal? Team Challenge has become a personal journey for me. Pushing and pulling me out of my comfort zone. I know when this is through I’ll be a different person, a better person. I’m very interested in your thoughts and suggestions. Please email me at if you want information about Determined to Dance or if you want to give me suggestions.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yesterday is gone, now on to tomorrow...

The 5k yesterday was tough. I really felt bad, but I was there and I didn't want to back out. What if I'm not feeling so great the day of the half? Am I going to not at least try to walk it? Of course I am! So I figured, training is to prepare me for the race, how will I know if I can race when I feel sick? I have to give it  a try. I finished and I felt much better after. Not right after, but about a half hour after I was fine. Now I know I can do it. Granted 3 miles is a far cry from 13.1 miles but I'm working my way up. That's what training is for...

NOW, on to the fun subject that I've mentioned but one that I have mostly been avoiding!!! FUNdraising! WooHoo! Sounds like fun right? For me it's more like UGH! Let me explain something to you, I've never been a fundraiser, not even in elementary school. I've participated because I had to, but I hated it. Even with my own children, I rarely participated in the school fundraisers. I'd send in a donation instead of taking all of the forms and products to work to sell. Now, here I am attempting to raise $7500. It boggles my mind why I would take this on. But I did, willingly. So, as I've learned through out my life - when you need to do something and you don't know how - call an expert! My supervisor at work is a fundraising guru. She gets excited about it and she loves it. Just the person I need to help me and show me the ropes. Shalayna is awesome and jumps right on board: throwing out ideas, thinking of possible events, and giving me ideas on how I can get started quickly just so I can see some money coming in so I don't get discouraged. Thank you Shalayna!!!!!

On to the BIG event!!! We are throwing a dance party on May 7th. The event is called Determined to Dance because the CCFA just launched a new patient website This new website will help patients to better manage their inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Tickets are $20 and the proceeds go to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. There will be a DJ and door prizes. The dance will be held at the Hilton Midland Plaza in Midland, TX and the tickets are advanced sales only.

If you want a ticket let me know, they are selling fast! If you just want to make a donation then click on the Team Challenge logo to the right. It will take you to my fundraising page and you can make a donation there.

If anyone has fundraising ideas that have worked, please leave a comment. I'm all ears!

I knew when I signed up for Team Challenge that it would be indeed a challenge. That is one of the reasons I signed up. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. I wanted to stretch, learn, grow and find out new and interesting things about myself and the person I'm becoming.

What a ride!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm glad that's over!

OK, so the 5k was a little rough today. I wasn't feeling great but I ran anyway. Last time I checked the times weren't posted yet so I'll check again in the morning. Running against the wind is also, well I'll just say - it ain't easy!

On the good side, Matt came with me this morning! I was so glad he was there. I'm trying to talk him into coming with me to the half in Kona. So far, it's not working.

Next week is supposed to be a 10k. I'll have to think about that one...

5k today!

5k today!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's really going on here?

Up to today, the farthest distance I have run is 4.5 miles. I am a little concerned about that distance. I'm a little concerned about my lack of discipline! I am motivated now that I am actually out of bed, but I am consistently unable to pull my unmotivated butt out of said bed. I finally get up, head to the gym, start to feel great and then I run out of time, literally! I have to hurry home, shower and get ready for work. What's a girl to do?

No, really! What's a girl to do?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And now a word from our sponsor...

Monday  was the start of week six in my Team Challenge training program. I have been waking up early to go to the gym. I have run a 5k and I am scheduled to run another on Saturday. But the physical training is only one aspect of Team Challenge. I think of it as a “grass roots” effort to raise awareness and raise the funds needed for research and patient programs. Yes, I have to train my body to complete a half marathon, but I also have to get the word out in the community, I have to raise money to help the foundation pay for research, patient programs and continuing education for medical providers.
Since the beginning of my journey I have had many people ask, “What is Crohn’s, what is Ulcerative Colitis?” I have also heard the question, “Why are you raising money for this cause?” Well, the answer is, I’ve been a patient. I’ve gone through the pain and the embarrassment. Outsiders knew I was sick, it was obvious. There was the weight loss, the constant running to the bathroom, the grey pallor from the loss of blood and the lack of sleep.  The question now is how do I talk about that? How can I raise awareness about a subject that is so taboo? No one talks about their bathroom habits especially if something is wrong. Most people don’t want to even tell a family member, I know I didn’t.  I claimed it was the stomach flu or maybe food poisoning, anything but what it really was.  So that brings me to where I am now: making an effort to talk about it in the newspaper, in my blog, anywhere and everywhere. I am making the effort to raise awareness.
It is with that thought in mind that I’d like to share some information about the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.  The following information can be found on their web site, I encourage you to visit their website if you have questions or want more information.
The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America's mission is to cure Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases. Known collectively as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), these painful, chronic illnesses affect approximately 1.4 million Americans, including some 140,000 children under the age of 18. CCFA was founded in 1967.
CCFA is supported solely by individual, foundation, and corporate contributions.
  • More than 81 cents of every dollar CCFA spends goes directly into research and educational programs.
  • CCFA is among the top-rated charities in the American Institute of Philanthropy's Charity Rating Guide (
·         CCFA provides educational programs for patients, physicians, and the public, including Webcasts and live education seminars; 300 active support groups; chapter newsletters; a national magazine; informational brochures and books; an Information Resource Center accessible at 888.MY.GUT.PAIN and; a scientific journal; professional medical forums; and research publications. The foundation distributes more than one million pieces of literature every year.

Back to you Bob... 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One dilemma after another...

I don’t know if you know this, but my blog has been turned into a weekly column in the Midland Reporter-Telegram. EEEEEK! But now I have to compile my blog posts together each week to create this column. Which you would think would be easy, and for the most part it hasn’t been very difficult because I’m using material that I’ve already written.  That being said, if I do not post every other day or at least 3 times in a week, where am I going to get my material I ask you? It’s a dilemma!

On to another dilemma, it’s the start of week six and I’ve raised about $500 so far. Not too bad, but I was hoping to be a little further along in my fundraising progress. I’ve been unable to sleep! Tossing! Turning! What to do? No, seriously, what should I do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
As far as the training is going, I’m progressing and then regressing and now, digressing! UGH! I’ve signed up for another 5k this Saturday. We’ll see how it goes. I’m planning on a 10k in a couple of weeks. I just hope I’m ready! I’ll train for it, so I should be ready!

~ Happy Trails

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Houston, we have a problem...

Ok, so I'd like to share something BIG I've discovered over the course of this adventure. If you don't ask people to donate money, then they don't donate money! CRAZY, right?

Today is the end of week five and I have only raised a couple hundred dollars. That is not going to get me anywhere. I'm not raising money to pay my way to Hawaii, I'm raising money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.The races are in different locations every year. Team Challenge has raced in Boston, Las Vegas and Napa. This year there is also a race in Virginia and Napa. I had a friend jokingly say, "will you make a donation so my friend can go to Hawaii?" WOW! That's not what this is about. Not even a little!

I've got to get my fundraising ACT together or I will have to stop before I've even really gotten started. The deal is if I don't raise enough money, no matter how much I train, there is a chance that I won't be able to complete the event with the team. I'm trying very hard not to get disappointed, but I want to be a part of this. 

How do I do it? How can I raise the funds? I couldn't sleep last night, thoughts of not being able to finish started running through my brain. I don't accept failure well at all. I was even tering up as I finally did fall asleep. 

So, here it is, the first step...

Please make a donation. If you are reading this blog, please click on the Team Challenge logo and make a donation today.

It is greatly appreciated!

~ Robin

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Camp Oasis

CCFA Camp Oasis is a co-ed residential camp program that's mission is to enrich the lives of children with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis by providing a safe and supportive camp community.
NEW - Watch a video and see for yourself what camp is like.
A Life Changing ExperienceSince all of the campers (and most of the adults) at Camp Oasis have IBD, our supportive community allows campers to:
  • See that they are not alone
  • Try things they never iMagINeD
  • Create friendships with people who truly understand them
  • Listen to & share their IBD stories
  • Heal & build their spirit
Outstanding Medical CareThe volunteer physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are available for 24-hour care, and work to ensure that campers follow the medical regimen prescribed by their doctors back home.
A Quality ProgramThe program is built upon high standards of CARE, and offers activities that appeal to every taste:
  • Visual & performing Arts
  • Land and water sports
  • HIGH ropes and other outdoor adventure
  • Leadership development (for our oldest participants)
The schedule also allows campers plenty of time to relax, get to know one another, and share the best medicine of all: LAUGHTER :)
Dedicated Staff
CCFA carefully screens and trains its mostly volunteer staff of adults with IBD. These responsible and sensitive individuals work hard to ensure that every camper feels safe, comfortable and has the time of their LIFE.
This information and more can be found at To make a donation please click on the Team Challenge logo in the upper right corner of this page.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Oooops, just joking... I do have a life!

So on Friday my post said something about putting my "life" aside to train. Well I did go to Dallas this weekend and did not train. So this moring, back to the grind. I thought it would be hard to run today. I was wrong. I got on that treadmill and took off, well as much as you can "take off" on a treadmill. 3 miles in 40 minutes today. Tomorrow I'll have to do 4 miles then on Wednesday it's 3 miles again. I'm going to get new running gear today. I'm pretty excited about that!

I'm planning to kick up the fundraising this week. Any of you out there reading my blog donate $5. Skip one cup of coffee and donate the $$$ to an awesome cause. The Midland Reporter-Telegram published a column from my Blog on Sunday 4/3! That is amazing! As a member of Team Challenge, I have to raise awareness, raise funds and train. What better way to raise awareness than a column in the community newspaper?  I can't think of many. So check out the West Texas Living section in Sunday's paper. You'll be seeing me there for the next little while, raising awareness (and hopefully some $$$ too).

I'll see you on the run...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello Robin. It's me, your life...

Hello life, it's me Robin. I'm going to have to put you aside for now while I train for the Team Challenge event in June. Don't worry, we'll still take the occasional weekend trip and the vacation to California to see the girls in June is a go. It's all of these middle of the week activities that will have to go away for now.You know what "they" say, early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. It also helps a whole bunch if you want to be able to function in the morning when you have to get up and run or in my case run/walk 5 miles. I think the snooze button will be worn off by the time this adventure is through.

The funny thing is that I DON'T want to get out of bed, but once I hit the treadmill, I feel so much better. Poor Matt was trying to wake me up this morning. He finally told me he was giving up and that's when I decided to get up. I don't want him to give up, I need his support. And so I got out of bed and went to the gym. Thanks honey, you always know just what to say!

Tomorrow, Saturday 4/2, is another long run. I'm trying out some new music given to me by my friend Kate. I'm excited to try it out. Thanks Kate!

Peace out!